Zenquon Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how we handle your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) online. PII is any information that can be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual, as defined by US privacy law. We collect, use, and protect your PII according to this policy.

GDPR Compliance

We comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Our practices align with GDPR's principles of privacy by design. We collect information necessary for service delivery and improving user experience.

To request information removal or export, email support@zenquon.com with subject GDPR, outlining your request.

Information Collection

We may collect personal details like name and email address when you order, register, subscribe to our newsletter, fill a form, or enter information on our site.

When and How We Collect Information

When: Upon registration, subscription, order placement, filling forms, or site entry.

How: Information is collected to personalize your experience, process transactions, send periodic emails, and provide services.

Connection to Social Media

By connecting your social media profile to Zenquon, we store your avatar link, connected profile name, and @handle. This information helps us deliver our services.

Private information about your brand profiles may also be collected from social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Content shared via Zenquon is subject to the respective social network’s privacy policy.

We may use information to publish content on authenticated social networks within the Zenquon app. This includes transferring data to/from third-party networks and obtaining analytics data for platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Authorization to access social networks can be revoked at any time following the instructions here. Adherence to Google API Services User Data Policy, including Limited Use requirements, is ensured.

Information Protection

We scan our website regularly for security vulnerabilities to ensure your visit is safe. Personal information is secured behind networks and accessible only to authorized persons, encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

Transaction Processing

Transactions are handled by a gateway provider, with no storage or processing on our servers.


We rely on various tools and services to deliver our services. The following sub-processors augment our capabilities: DigitalOcean, Google, Microsoft, Meta, Twitter (X), OpenAI, Stripe

Third-party Links

We may include or recommend third-party products or services on our website. We have no responsibility for the content and activities of these sites. Feedback about these third-party sites is welcome.

California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)

CalOPPA requires websites collecting Personally Identifiable Information to post a privacy policy. In accordance with CalOPPA, we:

Allow anonymous site visits.

Link to our privacy policy on our homepage or first significant page.

Notify of Privacy Policy changes on our Privacy Policy Page.

Allow personal information changes by logging into your account.

Do Not Track Signals and Third-party Behavioral Tracking

We honor Do Not Track signals and do not use advertising with a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism. Our site does not allow third-party behavioral tracking.

Fair Information Practices

In alignment with Fair Information Practices, we will:

Notify you via email within 1 brand day of a data breach.

Notify users via in-site notification within 1 brand day of a data breach.

Adhere to the Individual Redress Principle.


We comply with the CAN-SPAM Act as follows:

Notify you via email within 1 brand day of a data breach.

Notify users via in-site notification within 1 brand day of a data breach.

Adhere to the Individual Redress Principle.

Fair Information Practices

In alignment with Fair Information Practices, we will:

Use legitimate email addresses.

Identify messages as advertisements.

Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance.

Honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests promptly.

Include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

To unsubscribe, contact support@zenquon.com or follow the email instructions.